
RTG Closing Workshop: In Search of a New Theory of Cognition

On November 15th 2019, the PhDs students of our first cohort came together in Bochum to bring together their results and discuss connections and implications for further research.

RTG Fellow: Prof. Carrie Figdor (University of Iowa, Iowa)

In November/December 2019, Prof. Carrie Figdor from the University of Iowa will be visiting the RTG in Bochum. Carrie Figdor currently works as Professor at the Department of Philosophy and… » read more

RTG PhD fellow: Pankaj Singh (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur)

Pankaj Singh of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur , will be visiting the RTG from 01. – 30. September 2019. Pankaj Singh is currently a PhD student at the… » read more

Summer School: Full Programme now online

Now that the final talks have been confirmed, the full programme of the RTG Summer School “Recent Developments in Situated Cognition – Empirical and Philosophical Investigations” is finally online. Check… » read more

Fifth Internal RTG Workshop

We held our fifth internal workshop at the University of Osnabrück on July 5th 2019. The first part of the workshop focussed on communication especially among PhDs, while the second… » read more

Deadline extended: Cfp for the Summer School on Recent Developments in Situated Cognition

The deadline for the call for papers and posters has been extended by 15th June 2019. Please visit our conference site for more information the summer school and the cfp.